17th September 2024

Search Rushden Town Council

Financial Information

Annual Return

Notice of Audit

External Audit Certificate & Report

External Audit - Issues Arising Report

Internal Audit Reports


The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to Rushden Town Council.

Every year, the Town Council draws up budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial Year. These are usually finalised at the January Full Council meeting and then submitted to North Northamptonshire Council (NNC).

Community Grants Awarded

List of Current Contracts Awarded & Value of Content

A list of Rushden Town Council's current list of contracts awarded, along with their values can be found below. This complies with the Local Government Transparency Code.

Expenditure over £500

Here you can find details of Expenditure over £500.

Procurement Information

Here you can find details of any invitations to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value exceeding £20,000. At present there are no tenders to display.

Last updated: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:07